And we’re off…Peak Week…

Peak week began with a delicious gallon of water consumed by 10:30am. The final gallon shall be relatively easy to spread throughout the day. I actually cannot believe how strong, healthy, and overall good I am feeling going into this week. I hope it continues!

I am so excited for Peak Week and wanted to share just a few thoughts as they came to me:

1. The week can be crazy. Remember to write everything down. How you are feeling. Timing of meals, water, supplements. Your workouts. Energy. Stress. Pains. The more the better. I look back at my notes from my last show and while they are helpful, I wish I had more.

2. Challenge yourself with water. Well, this works for me and my competitive self. So, I always try to have a gallon in by noon, and the final in by 7pm. If I drink too much past 7pm I am peeing half the night. This way it’s only a couple times. Oh, and don’t worry, the pregnant look goes away.

3. I pack early in the week. I tend to become a bit scattered and anxious as the week progresses. I have my pump up snacks together, bag of essentials (suit, heels, jewelery etc.) packed up and take the heels out for posing practice, the sheets for the hotel (DO NOT FORGET THESE), and anything else I feel I will need while traveling. My food is prepped except for the weekend. I have all my grocery shopping done and am always excited for the grapefruit on Friday.

4. Enjoy it. You have worked incredibly hard to get to this point. You are so close! We are so close! I’m going to cherish the successes and struggles of this week. So few are blessed enough to be on this incredible journey. I’m going to soak it up for all it is worth.

5. Follow the plan or check with your trainer if something isn’t working. There is no need to experiment with the final week plan. It is laid out for you and should be fairly simple. Along with following the plan comes listening to your body. Don’t be stubborn, push too hard (injury vs. pain), or try to make it too far without going to the bathroom. All this water will make you have to pee, frequently. Plan accordingly.

6. Get your bikini wax early, enjoy getting your nails done, highlights or whatever your glam routine entails. I’m not much into all this “girly” stuff but enjoy it this week. Nothing like feeling absolutely amazing on stage!

7. Be prepared for the tan. Follow the skin prep instructions and make sure to pack flip flops and loose clothing for your tan time. Oh, and they see you naked. Just deal. I’m shy and made it through just fine. They are professional and really, they see thousands of us. They help us look our best on stage. Afterwards, we just look like carrots.

8. Be aware your emotions may be all over the place. Mine sure can be! I try my best not to take it out on those around me – highs or lows.

9. Don’t forget to pose. Pose. And pose again. Elevators, bathrooms, your house, the gym…everywhere is a stage during peak week. 

So, those are just some of my thoughts and by no means am I an expert. Just figured I would share a few notes as I chug my water and prepare for my final leg day! Woohoo.

Happy Peak Week to those of you competing next weekend!!!


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