My audition as the next Easter Bunny

Ok, so I didn’t really audition to become the next Easter Bunny. However, today during my cardio workout, I was hopping and jumping around so much, it felt like I was a bunny – a fat burning bunny that is. How fitting as we are coming off the Easter weekend, where I was able to enjoy a few dessert treats!

I intended to complete some hill sprints/jogs today on the treadmill. However, 1.25 miles into this event, I decided I had more energy and wanted to do more plyo and circuit type work.

I found myself a nice corner area at the gym and began my “Easter Bunny workout.”

Circuit included the following (repeated for a total 20 minutes)
1. Jump rope (feet together, quick jumps on toes)
2. Frog jumps
3. Side jumps over a low step
4. Jump rope (skipping style)
5. High jumps
6. Plank to “rest”

So as you can see I was a hopping and jumping machine. Therefore, I could indeed be the next Easter Bunny…however, I don’t think it is a good “off-season” look. It was actually a fun, productive, and sweaty workout! It felt great! My heart rate was up, my calves on fire, core engaged, calories burning, and hopefully fat melting off this body! It is wonderful knowing your body, changing up your workouts as you see fit, pushing yourself to your limits, and seeing changes along the way. Cardio – could you and me be friends? I think so!

I see it…ok not really!


Staying Fit on Vacation!

One of my favorite things to do is TRAVEL!  With my career and my husband’s commercial advertising photography work, we are blessed to get to travel quite a bit and to some amazing places.  While I love travel, it can be really tough to stay on track, to … [Read More...]

FITBODY News Magazine Issue I

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IFPA Bikini Pro Kathryn Fauver

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