Our duty as a friend

source I love the book of Proverbs. Every verse is like opening a biblical fortune cookie. :) Lets focus on a particular one right now. https://emduk.org/isdmj86763 Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all time, but a brother (sister) was born for adversity. (I threw in the sister just because.) This entire month has been burdenful (obviously i just made that word up. My mac isn’t recognizing it.).It hasn’t been full of personal burdens so much as burdens that were placed on my friends. Tonight I was fixin’ to say my prayers and before I even started, I opened my text messages and went down my list one by one. Eight friends in a row, I had promised just today I’d pray for something specific for them.

Buy Alprazolam 0.5 Mg That doesn’t include the friends earlier in the month that are still going through a terrible time. I prayed out loud as I stared at my phone and as I finished and said “Amen”, I realized that my heart literally felt like someone had a hand around it and was squeezing it tightly. I’m not worried about any of these friends. Their burdens are on His shoulders as well, and what a great place to be. I know everything will turn out exactly how it’s supposed to, and that eases me a little, but it still bothers me knowing my friends are in need of physical, spiritual and emotional healing.

https://aguasamazonicas.org/vmvh0rnn5 From stomach bugs, to financial/job situations, all the way to serious physical illnesses and the loss of loved ones…We were not made to be alone. We were made to have strong personal relationships with others. These people we share our lives with are friends (that includes family. I put them in the same category. Parents, siblings, spouses, etc… that love is based off friendship.). Proverbs 17:17 says we are to love at all times and share each others burdens. If that means my heart feeling like someone is choking it, then so be it.

Buy Real Diazepam Online Uk https://thegreathighway.com/myu05xl3c Galations 6:2 repeats it again… https://domainebregeon.com/pdvkauk4t1 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. I looked up many definitions of friends…one said, “really knowing a person and loving them anyway.” Another simply stated, “a person whom one knows, likes, and trust”. My definition? Someone who you are willing to stand by through the good and bad, and who will reciprocate when the time is needed. Someone who will gladly take upon them your burdens without thinking twice, and will pray for you and never stop praying. That’s my definition. If there are people in your life that will do that for you, hold onto them tightly. If there are people in your life that you are willing to do that FOR, hold onto them tighter. I couldn’t survive without my friends. God has truly blessed my heart with love on top of love. He has spoiled me for sure, but I won’t ever take that granted. Everyday I will try my best to do what I’ve been put on this earth to do, and that’s love and pray. It’s simple really. Almost too simple. I often feel like I don’t do enough. But I’m reminded constantly that this is all He wants from me/us. XOxo

source link https://www.jacobysaustin.com/2024/05/ocnlfapxf John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.




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