Precious cargo

Well ladies and gentlemen here they are. I have creatively named them Jug 1 and Jug 2. As you can see here, they have been strapped in and safe with me on my travels to and from gym and work. I have managed to carry a 32oz water bottle around and refill it throughout the day and then chug a gallon out of the jug while driving. This has been my most successful contest prep so far, including the water prep and I have not felt sick during it. What an absolutely life changing journey this has been. I cannot wait to display all the hard work on stage Saturday – I want to place well, but I have already won the biggest prize possible – this journey has been surreal and I can honestly say I am so proud of myself! I gave it all I have, my diet has been on point, my workouts followed my charts and I even added in some yoga and Kettle work. I have strengthened friendships. I may not have the biggest muscles up there and my posing is still improving, but I am absolutely confident that Saturday my hard work will pay off. Why? Because I will step on stage with the personal satisfaction that I have done what I could do to become the best I can be in this moment.


Staying Fit on Vacation!

One of my favorite things to do is TRAVEL!  With my career and my husband’s commercial advertising photography work, we are blessed to get to travel quite a bit and to some amazing places.  While I love travel, it can be really tough to stay on track, to … [Read More...]

FITBODY News Magazine Issue I

 ISSUE 1 - FITBODY NEWS Magazine for Women Find out the scoop in the new FITBODY News Magazine with articles related to women’s health and fitness, delectable but still good for you recipes, workout tips and tricks especially for women, figure and bikini competition … [Read More...]

IFPA Bikini Pro Kathryn Fauver

Kathryn Fauver achieved her dream of turning Pro in Bikini! Check out her story and how she did it! HOMETOWN: Liberty Township, Ohio  PERSONAL INFORMATION I am an Emergency Room RN. I wasn’t really active most of my life up until about 5-6 … [Read More...]

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