The Master Plan! All workouts are heavy weights and all cardio is 30 minutes or less. | November is almost here and I am ready for it. Today I planned out my workouts for the month. They are scheduled to help me stay on track, not get overwhelmed, and to hold myself accountable. Now, this being said, this is the plan. Life happens. Sprints may move from the morning to the evening, or back day may switch with legs. I adapt the plan based on my energy, work and of course events that pop up. However, these workouts will all be completed by the end of the month. I am also hoping to add some kickboxing classes to the schedule! I use Google Calender to create The Master Plan. I can easily access it from my phone or laptop. I can also make changes to it as necessary. I like to be able to see my entire month planned out. I am excited. I am gaining some size, getting stronger, and feeling more confident about the spring season ahead. I found that in preparing for my first season as a Figure competitor, being able to see the month ahead kept my mind in check, my workouts on target, and my life in order.
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