Hotel Gym – Best one I have used! They had 80 lb dumb bells – No I didn’t use them but wow! Oh, and a fruit bowl for post-workout snack! Can we say several granny smith apples 🙂 |
I was blessed with the opportunity to travel for my job – Des Moines, Iowa. Of course my first concern was finding the gym. It actually turned out that the hotel gym was quite nice. I got in a nice plyo and ab circuit along with a hill walk. So, not exactly on plan, but a great change up. I also packed an endless supply of Quest bars, apples, mixed nuts, and enjoyed grilled chicken salads at most of the restaurants we ate at. My only “splurge” was a Cliff bar. They are ridiculously high in carbs and sugar and oh so processed, but tomorrow is leg day and a run after work, so if it was to happen at any time, this was it. I definitely see how travel, especially for work can be challenging – it’s much more draining then a vacation, and you are on someone elses time. But, it’s all about priorities and what you want – and it’s always your choice what you do with your spare time. You can either waste it and have no good stories or moments in your life, or you can go live it. I was blessed to meet amazing people on the trip, try new restaurants and enjoy some phenomenal salads and meat, and met a few nice folks working out. Can’t beat it! I’m a work in progress – building a career, developing new relationships, and learning how my body responds to new workouts and diet tweaks. I wouldn’t change a thing.