Minor Setback or Major Opportunity

Somewhere along the line this week I seem to have injured my left calf. It hurts to run, jump, stand on my toes….and it was pretty much unbearable for a few days. The kind of pain you just cannot “work through.” I tried. I about threw up – it really …

My audition as the next Easter Bunny

Ok, so I didn’t really audition to become the next Easter Bunny. However, today during my cardio workout, I was hopping and jumping around so much, it felt like I was a bunny – a fat burning bunny that is. How fitting as we are coming off the Easter weekend, where I was able to enjoy a few dessert treats!

I intended to complete some hill sprints/jogs today on the treadmill. However, 1.25 miles into this event, I decided I had more energy and wanted to do more plyo and circuit type work.

I found myself a nice corner area at the gym and began my “Easter Bunny workout.”

Circuit included the following (repeated for a total 20 minutes)
1. Jump rope (feet together, quick jumps on toes)
2. Frog jumps
3. Side jumps over a low step
4. Jump rope (skipping style)
5. High jumps
6. Plank to “rest”

So as you can see I was a hopping and jumping machine. Therefore, I could indeed be the next Easter Bunny…however, I don’t think it is a good “off-season” look. It was actually a fun, productive, and sweaty workout! It felt great! My heart rate was up, my calves on fire, core engaged, calories burning, and hopefully fat melting off this body! It is wonderful knowing your body, changing up your workouts as you see fit, pushing yourself to your limits, and seeing changes along the way. Cardio – could you and me be friends? I think so!

I see it…ok not really!

My first experience donating blood

This week I donated blood for the first time. I work at Nationwide in downtown Columbus and they actually have an American Red Cross Blood Donation Center on-site. It couldn’t be more convenient. I’ve always made donations to the Red Cross and in high …

Just call me the "Veggie Monster"

I have a problem. A problem with vegetables. Such a problem I now must measure and limit how many I eat. I have looked into rehab programs, but none such exist – why? Because who in the world consumes pounds of vegetable daily, seeing no adverse effect…

Mrs Dash – Ordinary to Extraordinary

Mrs. Dash. Taking my ordinary foods and making them extraordinary.  Extra sauces, condiments, toppings etc. tend to go out the window when on a contest prep diet. Many of them contain too much salt, sugar, fat, or just plain old calories.This is w…

March Madness!

I always look forward to March Madness. This year, it just kind of snuck up on me. Time flew and before I knew it, it was time to fill out brackets. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t fill one out this year. I would have picked one of the big upsets – FGCU – …

Making the plan work for me!

I LOVE getting a new meal plan – even when it has fewer calories, veggies, or carbs. It means new changes, progress, and fun planning new meals.

This meal plan is the first time I have gone through carb cycling. It is a challenge. It is a mental game.

I decided to re-organize the plan – keeping the macros the same and including everything that Julie has for me. Instead of just going off the meal plan sheet, I have customized it.

Breaking down my meals this way, it actually makes me feel like I have a lot of food. I will track this daily and ensure that I do not get stuck in a rut of eating the same foods and make sure I do not miss anything!

1 whole egg and 3 egg whites
1 grapefruit
1 scoop UMP
1 scoop UMP
4 oz protein
4 oz protein
4 oz protein
2 cups veggies
½ cup veggies
Large salad with veggies
Pack of almonds
2 scoops UMP

Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays

Sweet potato (any carb)
1/2 Sweet potato
1/2 Sweet potato

NKY – where it all started – Signs of progress :)

2013 NPC NKY – New purple suit :)2013201220122013

Rockin the carrot look – 2 days post competition!

Hello Monday, and hello funny looks.My tan looked phenomenal on show day! It may have been the best one I have ever received from Liquid Sun Rayz. But, today is Monday and after a few showers and scrubbing, it is still on me. The only difference is, it…

It’s so, so much more then just a trophy.

NPC Northern KY Post-ShowI got a trophy this weekend. I went into this show with the goal of placing top 5. It is a dream come true. But, as I type this (waiting on my oven to heat up so I can prep my meals for the week), I am completely overcome with …

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